Fertility problems: an epidemic issue beyond a woman's menstrual cycle. 40-50% of fertility cases have to do with men and their suboptimal sperm qualities, including low counts, poor swimming abilities and funky shapes. 

How to Check for Male Infertility 

The quickest and easiest way is to check for sperm quality. Sperm count tests provide information on sperm production (think of statistics, the more there are, the bigger the chance of success), how fast the sperm swim (the quickest one to the finish line gets the prize) and how they are shaped (funky two-headed or two-tailed sperm need not apply). 

Test for age-appropriate hormone levels. Testosterone is the king of the male hormones providing men their "fountain of youth": strength, power and sex drive. It is the equivalent of estrogen to a female. The hormonal decline in both sexes can result in a decrease in fertility. 

The third most common reason for male infertility points to a varicocele diagnosis, a medical term for having a varicose vein in the scrotum. Faulty valves in the veins of the testicles can cause the back up of blood flow, leading to their enlargement. 

Signs of Female Ovulation

A woman's natural fertility relies on proper hormone fluctuations throughout her cycle. Her hormones harmonize like a finely tuned orchestra when she is healthy and of childbearing years. The right shift in her hormones triggers ovulation, which is her optimal fertility window. There are many signs that a woman's body reveals when she is ovulating; here are a few:

  • A rise in body temperature

  • An increase in libido

  • Some women experience mid-cycle discomfort during ovulation

  • Complexion changes

  • Breast tenderness

What Does Fertile Mucous Look Like

Sticky and white like rubber cement or white glue: Not Fertile

Creamy lotion or similar to skim milk: Approaching ovulation but not quite fertile 

Watery egg white and slippery: Most Fertile 


Understanding what your body is telling you throughout the month is key to fertility success. Check-in with your feelings and sensations; they might give you the map to the buried treasure. 
